Research & Writing

Georgina has a passion for research and writing and has written for arts publications such as Dazed & Confused and Line Magazine. in 2014 she produced an online programme of international artist interviews and films called ‘Public Art (Now)’ for Situations UK. For her MA Georgina is delving deeper into place theory, as well as exploring the agency of non-living materials and our relationship (primarily as artists) to them.  Through research and writing she is interrogating the potential reciprocity and/or collaboration that we, as humans, negotiate as we enter into a relationship with the world and its matter – places, spaces, buildings, time, people, things- considering whether there is a more productive view of the world where humans and non living materials are equal agents of power. 

<h2>Public Art (Now) 2013 – 14</h2> <p><!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p><a href=Public Art (Now) was an 18-month national programme of talks, films, publications and workshops, devised by Situations with our partners, dedicated to showcasing internationally significant new forms of public art which ran from 2014-15. As Programme Lead I was responsible for producing a series of short films, interviews, live events and public art days with internationally renowned artists and public art producers. I also worked as research assistant for the major survey publication Out of Time, Out of Place, Public Art (Now).

Out of Time, Out of Place, Public Art (Now) was published in January 2015. Edited by Situations’ Founder Director Claire Doherty, this survey publication was published by Art / Books in association with Situations and Public Art Agency Sweden and the European Network of Public Art Producers in 2015. Public Art (Now) brings together over 40 of the most influential public artworks to have emerged in the past decade.

Find out more about Public Art (Now) via the Situations archived website.

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Public Art (Now) 2013 – 14

Public Art ...

<h2>Thomas Demand Interview, Dazed Digital, 2012</h2> <p>[et_pb_section admin_label=

Demand’s complex process unites the sculptural model and the culled media image through playing with a system of medium collapse. His photographs begin with another photograph, as he re-injects found images with volume by building life-size paper and cardboard reconstructions of disturbingly recognisable scenes. The models are photographed and subsequently destroyed, re-introduced to the world solely as large format images. In Demand’s alternate reality, photographs supersede objects.

Read full interview here

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Thomas Demand Interview, Dazed Digital, 2012

Demand’s ...

<h2>Project title</h2> <p><!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, feugiat inermis scriptorem ex ius, lobortis pericula et sed. Sed no amet quaerendum, ius eu numquam volutpat. Has wisi dicit invidunt ad, nam iisque delenit disputando eu. Aperiri graecis adversarium sea te.</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph --></p>

Project title

Lorem ipsum

<h2>RW 3</h2> <p><!-- wp:divi/placeholder /--></p>

RW 3

<h2>RW 1</h2> <p><!-- wp:divi/placeholder /--></p>

RW 1

Making is a correspondence between maker and material.”

Tim Ingold (Anthropologist) 2013

Cited from Ingold, T. (2013). Making : anthropology, archaeology, art and architecture. Milton Park: Abingdon, Oxon.